James Bond's and his watch straps enduring appeal...

The Bond franchise has held massive worldwide appeal for decades, with watches always being close to the Spy's heart. Daniel Craig's grittier renivention of 007 in "Casino Royale" has undoubtedly led to even greater popularity and has spurred even more interest in Bond's timepieces and watch strap combinations.

The Spectre grey and black NATO is a hugely popular, looking superb on a range of watches from the Omega Seamaster to the Rolex Submariner and many, many more. It manages to be dressy and smart but also casual at the same time. A chameleon of a watch band that works well in any situation, much like Bond himself.

Daniel Craig is an avid watch collector himself and took a role in designing the latest Omega Seamaster to be released alongside the franchise's latest offering, "No Time to Die." The NATO strap is already hugely popular as is the steel milanese steel mesh strap that the Seamaster is available on. The NATO is a striking colour combination which once again manages sophistication and casual charm.

Researchers have shown that we leave the cinema, sometimes, actually walking differently - like our heroes on screen. While we might not actually be Mr Bond himself we can wear his watch, or watch strap, and be that little bit closer. We can dream!

Check out the straps below;

James Bond "Spectre" NATO

"No Time to Die" NATO